Leather Jacket Cleaning Services from 123 Cleaners

Suede, Leather and Fur cleaning is a very specialised craft and should only be carried out by trained craftsmen.123 Cleaners have been involved in this specialised cleaning for over 20 years and have all the necessary skills and expertise to clean and rejuvenate most garments.

Our Cleaning Process.

We start by carefully inspecting your garments for stains, dyes, weaknesses and suitability for cleaning.

The cleaning process then follows using an extra delicate solvent to remove general soiling and stains.

We then recondition your garments using natural oils which not only give them a great finish but greatly increase their lifespan. As part of the finishing process the garments are treated with Scotch-guard or an equivalent silicone product. Whilst this will not 'waterproof' the item it will help to protect against soiling.

Finally pressing and finishing before another 3-point inspection.

Fur Cleaning Services from 123 Cleaners


See our Leather Cleaning Prices for our latest price guideline.

As we clean most suede and leather items ourselves we cut out the middle man and pass on the savings to you. 15% discounts apply to anyone visiting our Maida Vale Factory.

All items are insured but high value items must be pointed out to us before cleaning.

Leather and suede cleaning is more expensive than normal dry cleaning because the machinery used is unique, cleaning solvents and oils are expensive and the process takes much longer (we need at least a week).

Collection & Delivery

If you prefer not to Visit Us we can Collect & Deliver your Leather, Suede and Fur cleaning from across London.

Leather shoe cleaning, Footwear, Ugg boots.

We clean and rejuvenate most footwear. Certain styles of shoe can only be spot cleaned but others such as Ugg boots can take the full dry cleaning process and come out almost like new!

Leather Clothing Repairs and Alterations

We also provide a Leather Repairs and Alterations Service with dedicated heavy duty sewing machinery.

Risks with Leather and Suede cleaning.

Leather and Suede Stain removal is never simple (especially on suede) due to the delicate nature of the skins and dyes, however with care and skill staining should be greatly improved. As with all cleaning we cannot guarantee complete stain removal especially once ingrained.

All suede & leather is dyed in manufacturing. Some manufacturers use less than satisfactory dyeing methods which can result in greater colour loss in cleaning - something we cannot predict - however our process ensures that it's kept to a minimum and can generally be restored in finishing.

Colourloss can sometimes mark off on linings and other material trim.

Suede and Leather Care.

  • Always treat Suede & Leather with great care - stains are much easier to prevent than to remove.
  • When wet, leave to dry in a well-ventilated area and make sure it is completely dry before putting away (if mildew forms it can rarely be removed). Wet or water damaged suede can generally be improved by brushing up the nap, or give it to 123 Cleaners for treatment.
  • Never clean part of an outfit, colour variation may occur.
  • When storing never leave garments under the plastic cover (leather breathes), where possible us a cotton cover for protection.

PS Did you know leather and suede are from both made from skins but from different sides!