For customers using our services regularly we recommend setting up an account (over 90% of our regular customers have one). They're easier and quicker for everyone. We have two types of client accounts;

  1. On demand accounts: -
    • These simple accounts will take payment on the day your orders are delivered (or picked up from our factory shop).
    • To set up this up log in here and enter your card details into our securely encrypted online system. Or if you prefer call us during office hours.
  2. Monthly accounts with emailed statements-
    • These accounts are normally paid using a credit or debit card which will be securely encrypt into our system. Payment is taken automatically at the end of each month. BACS payments can be accepted but only from 'blue chip' companies. Copy invoices can also be emailed if required. We also have an option for sub accounts of a master account. (eg Master account is the company, sub accounts are for the employees or company branches)
    • To set this up please call us during office hours.